Staffing and Employment Policy

A high adult: child ratio is essential in providing good quality pre-school care.

At Redwood Early Years:

  • We have at least one member of staff to each six children, aged 3 to 5 and more if there are younger children present.
  • We use the EYFS ratios as a minimum staffing level and often have more staff present on site to bring the ratios down further.
  • Our key person system ensures each child and (where possible) each family has one particular staff member who takes a special interest in them.
  • Regular staff meetings provide opportunities for staff to undertake curriculum planning and to discuss the children’s progress and any difficulties.
  • We work towards an equal opportunities employment policy, seeking to offer job opportunities equally to both women and men, with and without disabilities, from all religious, social, ethnic and cultural groups.
  • At least half of our staff holds the Diploma in Pre-school Practice or an equivalent qualification.
  • Regular in-service training is available to all staff, both paid and volunteer members.
  • Our setting’s budget includes an allocation towards training costs.
  • We support the work of our staff by means of regular monitoring, supervision and appraisals.
  • We are committed to recruiting, appointing, and employing staff in accordance with all relevant legislation. This involves submission of an application form, an interview with two members of leadership, at least one trained as DSL and safer recruitment, two references (one must be most recent employer) and a DBS check.
  • We recognise that the quality and variety of work which goes on in a setting makes it an ideal place for students on placement from school and college childcare courses as well as those on childcare courses.
  • Students are welcomed into the setting on the following conditions:
  • The needs of the children are paramount.  Students will not be admitted in numbers which hinder the essential work of the setting.
  • Students must be confirmed by their tutor as being engaged in a bona fide childcare course, which provides necessary background understanding of children’s development and activities.
  • Students required to conduct child studies will obtain written permission from the parents of the child to be studied.
  • Any information gained by the students about the children, families or other adults in the setting must remain confidential.
  • Unless cleared by the Disclosure and Baring Service, students will not have unrestricted access to children.