Safety Policy

The safety of young children is of paramount importance.  To ensure the safety of both children and adults, the setting will ensure that:

  • Parents are required to provide details of nominated adults who may collect their children. Parents must inform the setting if their child will be collected by another adult other than parents or a regularly alternative collector such a grandparent or childminder.
  • All adults are aware of the system(s) in operation for children’s arrivals and departures and an adult will be at the door during these periods.
  • Children will leave the group only with authorised adults.
  • Accidents/incidents involving children are recorded using Famly and a report is sent straight to parents to acknowledge. If it is not possible to record the accident before collection then staff will inform parents verbally and indicate that this has happened when completing the online form retrospectively. 
  • Accidents/incidents involving adults are recorded in the accident book. 
  • Regular safety monitoring will include checking of the accident and incident record.
  • Safety checks on premises, both outdoors and indoors, are made before every day/session.
  • Parents must also sign a consent form giving staff permission to take children out of the school grounds for a     

      short walk or for a walk around the grounds.

  • Low-level glass will be covered or replaced by safety glass.
  • Equipment is checked regularly, and any dangerous items repaired/discarded.
  • The layout and space ratios allow children and adults to move safely and freely between activities.
  • Fire doors are never obstructed.
  • Fires/heaters/electric points/wires and leads are adequately guarded.
  • All dangerous materials, including medicines and cleaning materials are stored out of reach of children.
  • Children do not have unsupervised access to kitchens, cookers or any cupboards storing hazardous materials including matches.
  • Adults do not walk about with hot drinks or place hot drinks within reach of children.
  • Fire drills and site evacuations are held regularly in partnership with the infant and junior schools on site.  
  • A register of both adults and children is completed as people arrive so that a complete record of all those present is available in any emergency.
  • There is no smoking onsite.
  • A correctly stocked first aid box is available at all times.
  • Fire extinguishers are checked annually and staff know how to use them.
  • Whenever children are on the premises at least two adults are present.
  • Large equipment is erected with care and checked regularly.
  • Activities such as cooking, woodwork and energetic play receive close and constant supervision.
  • On outings, the adult: child ratio will be at least one to two.
  • If a small group goes out, there will be sufficient adults to maintain appropriate ratios for staff and children remaining on the premises.
  • Children who are sleeping are checked regularly.
  • Equipment offered to children is developmentally appropriate, recognising that materials suitable for an older child may pose a risk to younger/less mature children.
  • Internal safety gates/barriers are used as necessary.
  • External gates are padlocked with a combination code
  • Entry to the site after 9am and before 3pm is via a gate buzzer. Visitors are asked who they are collecting or here to see before entry is permitted to the school site.
  • The premises are checked before locking up at the end of the day/session.