Inclusion Policy

Here at Redwood Early Years we want all of our children to have the best possible learning opportunities and experiences. We welcome and actively promote inclusive practices and diversity within our setting. Our aim is to make our setting accessible to all families who wish to use it. We have due regard to the special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2001 and comply with the requirements of the disability discrimination Act 1995.

Within our setting we endeavour to provide an inclusive environment and curriculum that enables all children to fully participate in the activities and experiences on offer. We work in partnership with parents and other agencies, where appropriate, to support individual child’s learning. We aim to provide effective support to meet every child’s needs.

Our manager and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) are responsible for the implementation and annual review of our Inclusion Policy. They ensure that all staff and parents are aware of the policy and we welcome discussion about individual children or any other matters arising from the policy. Our present SENCO is Sarah Gresty and she is responsible for the day-to-day organisation of matters regarding children with special/additional needs. It is, however, the responsibility of all staff to plan for, work with and support all children whatever their needs.

Early Identification

Through our record keeping and comprehensive system of regular observations we are able to recognise any additional needs a child may have. We always in the first instance discuss any concerns with parents and together plan an appropriate course of action and support. This will be regularly monitored by our SENCO.

Children who have an identified additional need on joining the setting will be welcomed and celebrated in the same way as all of our children. An individual settling-in plan will be devised by staff and parents. Suitable levels of support will be offered and input and advice from other agencies and professionals will be sought. The SENCO will take responsibility for co-ordinating this – working closely alongside parents.


  • In line with the national and local procedures, we monitor progress carefully using the graduated response outlined in the Code of Practice. This includes a systematic cycle of assessment, planning, action and review.
  • We liaise closely with parents and seek advice on the sorts of things their children like to do, as well as listen to their priorities in regard to their children’s progress.  We aim to achieve progress by using the child’s strengths and interests as our starting point.
  • We record clear targets for the children and develop strategies to ensure progress and learning. This may take the form of an Early Years Intervention Plan (EYIP). We encourage parental and child participation in devising these targets and action plans.
  • We liaise closely with local authority staff and make effective use of any LA funding and resources, such as staff training; this helps us to meet the identified needs of the children in our setting.

Our inclusive practices include:

  • Ensuring that all children participate in the daily routines of the setting while maintaining a flexible approach.
  • Encouraging all children to take part in activities/experiences at their level and pace. This includes both indoor and outdoor play and any trips undertaken.
  • Offering open-ended learning activities and experiences using differentiation as the basis of all planning.
  • Using a range of strategies to encourage children in their play and learning. We provide activities to suit children’s most effective learning style.
  • Ensuring that all children’s contributions and efforts are treated positively by staff and that achievements are celebrated.
  • Arranging respectful privacy for children’s personal care.